Re-Run de Save me... y sí, en este momento era casi inevitable, o no...
Disculpen tal vez la sintáxis, o que los párrafos no estén bien separados en este caso, pero salió asé! q le vamo' a hacer!
Would you save me if I ask you to?
Please, save me without my permission, you always knew I'd never asked you, but this time...
Oh baby, this time, for you to save me is all I really need.
I need you to need me, I need you to teach me, to touch me
This day I'm not talking 'bout an impossible love, I'm not talking 'bout breaking hearts,
It's as simple as I need you. I need you to beleive in me.
I know, I know... I shouldn't
But just for today, I can't control what I'm feeling.
Please, I need you to save me, I need you to remind me who I am, who I was, who I need to be
I need you to remind me of happy dreams.
I know, I shouldn't be asking this,It's not appropriate, I have no inspiration.
Save me, and tell me about the world with just one look. One look from your green bright eyes will be enough, for me to be better, to be me
Just a holding hand to drop the fake Because, if you're real, you remind me of those beautiful days.
So again and again and again Save me.
Save me because you love me, because you need me
,because you need for me to save you too.
Save me without asking... from the heart, from the soul...
You know baby, you know I can't lie to you.
If you want I could give you the world, I could,
you know I would, I would only if you ask me to,
because I love your soul, and Oh god! How I love your eyes!!..
Fuck! I need for you to save me more than I can tell
Maybe because today is a sad day, and I'm blue
maybe because i saw your picture today
or just because something reminded me just how much I needed to be saved, to be loved..
... Only, only for you.
I'm always wrong, please don't be my mistake...
Remember that when I walk the streets at night,
there's no one else at mi sight, but you in my mind.
So save me, save me from me, from the world, from my wordfrom my not self.
And yeah!, I might be crazy baby, and yeahI can be by myself
But not today baby, not today..
Just for today be my hero, and save me from my thoughts, from my fears, from the jungle.
Oh! you know baby, you know I can't love you
...But just for today.
2 comentarios:
yo queria comentar sobre el anterior y decirte que es Geniaaaal!, me encantó...tiene aires de tango, y poesía gustó mucho, hermosas imágenes.
te amo amiga...despues voy a hacer un intento por leer este(digo intento por el inglés).
espero que seamos compañeritas en Puan.
i love you
"Please, I need you to save me, I need you to remind me who I am, who I was, who I need to be" que hermoso gor!!!, pude leerlo todo :p... re dá para una canción...habría q buacarle una buena melodía y saber tocar la guitarra :p
te amoooo
el jueves es nuestro para patetizar y reirnos d nuestra vida
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